
Java based 2-D game involving a player to shoot enemies going through multiple rounds and increasing difficulty. Powerups and levels are present.

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


DirRunJar created for runnable jar file with required java libraries

Game Powerups and Instructions:

  • Move around with arrow keys

  • shoot witth spcae bar (not required when using laser powerup)

  • Following are the powerups:

    -Grey powerup to fill up power -upon compleeting the required power build up another bullet is added to the player (upto 3 allowed) -Red powerup for laser lasting 10 seconds -white powerup for slowdown (reduced refresh rate of the Game Loop in the main thread)

  • NO further commit or changes required as this is a fresh upload of version 10.

Author - Saksham Puri.