This implements a very simple gossip protocol over an Abstract Network. This should make developing distributed applications very easy, since it abstracts away all communication / peer-list / keep-alive / discovery-of-peers logics.
It will also not forward messages which have already been forwarded in the past (timestamping would be a good idea if you want to re-send a message).
You can create a Gossip Context as follows:
createGossiper :: UserNetContext IO -> [NetAddr] -> String -> (B.ByteString -> IO ()) ->
IO GossipContext
- A user network context (from abstract-network).
- A list of addresses of seed / bootstrap peers.
- An action to run on receiving an application message (this will not be called when keep-alive/discovery etc messages are received).
This GossipContext will be used for communication on the set-up network.
This action will send the input bytes over the whole network.
doGossip :: GossipContext -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
- GossipContext / Gossip Network, over which the message has to be sent.
- The bytes to be sent over the network.
The project is functional, but some important functionality is missing.
- PeerSet does not send pings yet. A process must be launched which does this.
- PeerSet does not yet run a process to purge peers which have not responded in a while.
- PeerSet does not allow configuration of parameters yet.
- Peer Discovery messages are not being sent yet.
- We should allow configuring a predicate, which chooses whether a message needs to be forwarded. For example, some stale messages could be discarded.