
A storage monitoring tool for CDAC's High Perfomance Computing systems

Primary LanguageShell


A storage monitoring tool for CDAC's High Performance Computing systems

forthebadge made-with-python forthebadge made-with-python

HitCount contributions welcome License: GPL v3 Codacy Badge

  • Grafana Dashboard


  • Metrics Collector


  • Firebase


Install the following dependencies

  • Install python req: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install memcached:sudo apt install memcached libmemcached-tools (for debian)
  • Grafana
  • MySQL
  • Setup a database in Firebase


Start memcached service

$ memcached

Create the table in MySQL instance

$ \connect root@localhost:3306
$ use cdac_argus;

Database command to create the table

CREATE TABLE cachestat( metric_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, buffers_mb INT NOT NULL, cached_mb INT NOT NULL, hits INT NOT NULL, mbd INT NOT NULL, misses INT NOT NULL, ratio INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( metric_id ) );

Start the grafana service

Make sure you have setup the MySQL db correctly as it is required to be the datasource for Grafana

Open localhost:3000 for opening the grafana dashboard

NOTE: If you change the installation settings the port might be different for grafana

Click on CREATE/ + symbol and click import

In the Import via panel json section paste the code from grafana_dashboard.json from this repository

Running the metrics collector

$ sudo python cachestat.py
$ sudo python retrieve_data.py

About the firebase instance

Make sure to make all the necessary changes in the code and use your own firebase db

An example firebase url: https://cdac-argus-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com/