
Theme: Seamless Online/Offline Retail

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Myntra Hackerramp - Team Virago


This app built using Flutter has the following features -

  1. A try-on list that helps users seamlessly switch between online and offline modes. They can opt in for an offline experience for any product in the nearest stores.

  2. Implementation of a one day tour for shopping based on the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) for all the items that the customer wishes to try on

  3. A barcode scanner which can help users shop hassle free at the offline store. Simply scan the barcode and get redirected to the payment gateway. This contributes to idea of having a unified checkin and a common database for retailers and the e commerce website.

  4. Users will receive a notification whenever they are close to a store where an item from their try-on list is in stock.

  5. Analytics on two datasets for Customer behaviour analysis and demand forecasting using exploratory data analysis techniques and ARIMA and Prophet models. This can help the retailers for inventory management and improving customer experience.

Demo Videos

These are a few animations to show how the features work.

Try-On Bar Code Scanner
One Day Tour (TSP) Notifications

To run this project locally, clone it in your working directory, run flutter pub get or Get packages from pubspec.yaml and you are good to go!