Submitted By :- Sanjeeb Nath (18115069) Sakshi Bhandarkar (18115067)

  1. Create a database with a name of dowell university(space included).Import the MySQL file.

  2. Open the Home.php file on the system browser.

  3. Home page has a header it has 2 important links:- (a) Student (b) CMS.

  4. The student page has 2 important links :- (a)Register (b) Login

  5. The Register Page has a Registration Page that can be used to register as a new student. A new entry will be added to the students table, the form uses JavaScript for form validation and the password is encrypted using crypt() function.

  6. After successfully registering the user can go to the login page.

  7. The login form has 2 entries, user id(which is the student ID) and password, After successful login the user will be redirected to the dashboard.

  8. The dashboard will display all the courses(if any) the user has registered for.

  9. The header has 4 important links:- (a) Calendar (b)Time Table (c) My Account (d) Unit Registration.

  10. (a) Calendar;- It shows this month’s calendar (b) Time Table;- It shows the time table for all the courses the user ahs registered for(if any) (c) My Account;- This page shows all the details of the user, the header of this page has the option to update details, change password and logout. (d) Unit Registration ;- This page shows all the available units , and user can register in any number of courses according to thier campus and semester.

  11. The CMS page has few important links:- (a)Staff Register (b) Staff Login (c) Unit Details (d) Student Register (e) Student Login.

  12. (a) Staff Register :- This is the registration page for staff members.

(b) Staff Login :- If the user has registered the user can login with his/her Staff ID and Password, after successful login the user will be redirected to dashboard.

(c) Unit Details:- This page contains all the details of the courses offered.

  1. Staff Dashboard:- This the dashboard for a registered staff member. The dashboard displays the personal details of the staff. It has a few important links (a)Admin (b)Upload a Notice (c) Change password (d)Take Leave (e) Logout.

  2. Admin Page;- The user can login to the admin page only with the following credentials;- Username;- admin1 , Password;- admin123

15 . The admin page shows the list of all faculties, faculties can be added or removed, There are 2 more important links (a) Tutorial Allocation (b) Manage Time Table

(a) Tutorial Allocation:- This page can be used to allocate the Unit Co-ordinator for various courses.

(b) Manage Time Table:- This page can be used to manage the time table of various subjects, it has 2 options (I) Manage (II) Edit

(I) Manage:- if the time table has not been yet made, then use this option.

(II) Edit:- If the time table has already been made, then use this option to edit it.