Deploying Domain Controller and Compute Nodes

This document is to show you how to comfigure a template to deploy a domain controller and then follow up provisioning compute nodes which will then join the domain. A user will be created during the process for use.

Template configuration

Parameters Description / Usage
softlayer_username SoftLayer Account Username
softlayer_api_key SoftLayer Account API Key
environment_name Name of the environment (Used for Openwhisk endpoint)
base_template_image Image Template used for Domain Controller
computenode_template_image Image Template used for compute nodes
datacenter SoftLayer Datacenter to provision into
domain_exists Y/N Flag to determine if a Domain Controller already exists
domain The Domain Name to provision
domain_username Username of User Account to create in domain
domain_password User Password for User Account created
dc_hostname Hostname of the Domain Controller
cn_hostname Hostname for compute nodes (appended with a number)
domaincontroller_count Count of domain controller to provision (1 or 0)
computenode_count Count of compute nodes to provision (0-N)
domaincontroller_script_url URL of PS script to download and execute

Plan / Apply environment

When starting a new environment, the domain_exists paramater should be set to N. This allows the Domain Controller to be built, and skips the process of building any compute nodes. A domain controller is required for the compute nodes to provision and join a domain.

Call OpenWhisk endpoint to start process of compute nodes

$ curl http://path-to-openwhisk/report-in