

Primary LanguageJava

#Object Oriented Programming in Java

###Course 1 out of 5 in Java Programming: Object-Oriented Design of Data Structures from University of California, San Diego offered through Coursera https://www.coursera.org/specializations/java-object-oriented

##About this Course

We’ll explore how to divide up a large project into a hierarchy of classes and how to increase the functionality of your projects by importing existing libraries. We’ll also look at some core algorithms for searching for and sorting data. And along the way, you will develop an exciting interactive application with a graphical user interface. In this course we want you to be inspired to create. You’ll dive into a course project right away, with each lesson designed around concepts that are directly applicable to extending the project’s functionality.

##Course Certificate: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/JWYLSWUPY2DB

##View Project Details: http://veronikabenkeser.github.io/OOP-Java-UCSD-Coursera