
This is a fun implementation of classic snake game with the turtlesim simulator

Primary LanguageCMake

TurtleSim Snake Game

This is a fun implementation of the classic snake game on the turtlesim simulator used to learn Robot operating system (ROS).

This game uses the turtlesim and turtlesim_teleop packages to move a snake turtle in order to capture the target turtle, upon catching the target turtle, a new turtle appears in the screen as the new target and the captured turtle will now be a part of the snake turtle. This process repeats with every capture of the target turtle.


To run the game, clone the package in your catkin workspace, and use the launch file below.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/sakthibalanv/TurtleSim_Snake_Game.git
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch turtle_snake_game start.launch

ROS Node Graph

Missing Features

  • It would be nice to add a collision feature on the snake, like if it self collides or collides with the wall then the game is over.
  • Add obstacles for the snake like barriers.
  • Speed up the snake every time it eats a turtle, to make it difficult for the players.


Contributions to improving the existing code or new features and ideas are most welcome.


Version 1.0.0

Video Links


Turtle Snake Game Demo