
Task 01 :-

Write a program in C to store elements in an array and print it. Test Data :

Input 10 elements in the array :

  • element - 0 : 1
  • element - 1 : 2
  • element - 2 : 3 . . .

Expected Output : * Elements in array are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Task 02 :-

Write a program in C to read n number of values in an array and display it in reverse order.

Test Data :

Input the number of elements to store in the array :3 Input 3 number of elements in the array :

  • element - 0 : 2
  • element - 1 : 5
  • element - 2 : 7

Expected Output : The values store into the array are : 2 5 7 The values store into the array in reverse are : 7 5 2