- A classification task implement in pytorch, contains some neural networks in models.
- Recenely, I've released the code.
This is a version of my own architecture --- pytorch-text-classification
BERT For Text Classification --- PyTorch_Bert_Text_Classification
pyorch : 1.0.1
python : 3.6
torchtext: 0.2.1
cuda : 8.0 (support cuda speed up, can chose, default True)
modify the config file, see the Config directory(here) for detail.
1、python main.py
2、python main.py --config_file ./Config/config.cfg
3、sh run.sh
Contains some neural networks implement in pytorch, see the models for detail.
SST-1 and SST-2.
I haven't adjusted the hyper-parameters seriously, you can also see train log in here.
The following test set accuracy are based on the best dev set accuracy.
Data/Model | % SST-1 | % SST-2 |
CNN | 46.1086 | 84.2943 |
Bi-LSTM | 47.9186 | 86.3262 |
Bi-GRU | 47.6923 | 86.7655 |
- 基于pytorch的CNN-LSTM神经网络模型调参小结
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
- Context-Sensitive Lexicon Features for Neural Sentiment Analysis
if you have any question, you can open a issue or email bamtercelboo@{gmail.com, 163.com}.
if you have any good suggestions, you can PR or email me.