
Algorithm to correct directions in a Cypher query based on the specified schema.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Algorithm to correct directions in a Cypher query based on the specified schema.

I organized this repository to apply to this competition.


There's no dependency packages. This algorithm works with standard bundled libraries in Python(>3.10).


from QueryCorrector import QueryCorrector, load_schemas

schema = '(Person, KNOWS, Person), (Person, WORKS_AT, Organization)'
schema = load_schemas(schema)
query_corrector = QueryCorrector(schema)

query = 'MATCH (p:Person {id:"Foo"})<-[:WORKS_AT]-(o:Organization) RETURN o.name AS name'
corrected = query_corrector(query)


MATCH (p:Person {id:"Foo"})-[:WORKS_AT]->(o:Organization) RETURN o.name AS name

For more details, check out the example notebook.

Overview of Algorithm

Sample Data to Show the Algorithm


    c.region =Asiaand p.name =Ryosuke SakuraiRETURN


from relation to
Person WORKS_AT Organization
Organization LOCATED_IN Country
Person MANAGES Person

Abstracted Main Processing Steps

  1. Extract node variables and detect each labels.

    Variable Label
    p ["Person"]
    o ["Organization"]
    c ["Country"]
  2. Extract paths from the query.1

    • (p:Person)<-[:WORKS_AT]-(o:Organization)-[:MANAGES]->(c:Country)
  3. Decompose each extracted paths into paths with Node-Relation-Node pattern.

    • (p:Person)<-[:WORKS_AT]-(o:Organization)-[:MANAGES]->(c:Country)

      • (p:Person)<-[:WORKS_AT]-(o:Organization)
      • (o:Organization)-[:MANAGES]->(c:Country)
  4. Verify and correct each Node-Relation-Node patterns with reference to schemas.

    • (p:Person)<-[:WORKS_AT]-(o:Organization)

      There’s no schema that express “Organization WORKS_AT Person” but a schema that express “Person WORKS_AT Organization”. Then, reverse the direction of relation and make it correct.

    • (o:Organization)-[:MANAGES]->(c:Country)

      There’s no schema that express “Organization MANAGES Country” and vice versa. Then, the algorithm determines this query as illegal and return empty string.


  1. This example has only one path in a query, but it can be possible that multiple paths be extracted depending on the query.