
Instructions, source code, and misc. resources needed for building a Tiny ML-powered artificial nose.

Primary LanguageC

This repository contains all the instructions, source code, and resources for building your very own DIY artificial nose, powered by TinyML.


Some time back in May 2020, like I'm guessing many other people, I spent quite some time trying to perfect my bread recipe, including trying to determine when my sourdough starter would be in the ideal condition to bake perfect baguettes.

Fast-forward to a few weeks later, I had assembled a full-blown (pun intended) artificial nose, and I am sharing all the instructions, source code, bill of materials, etc. in this repo. Enjoy! 👃

Repository contents


👤 Benjamin Cabé

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📝 License

Copyright © 2020-2021 Benjamin Cabé.

This project is MIT licensed.

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