Udacity Blockchain Capstone

The capstone will build upon the knowledge you have gained in the course in order to build a decentralized housing product.


npm install -g ganache-cli
npm install .


ganache-cli -m "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat"
npm run compile
npm run test-erc721
npm run test-square-verifier
npm run test-soln-square-verifier


docker run -v ~/github/Blockchain-Capstone/zokrates/code:/home/zokrates/code -ti zokrates/zokrates /bin/bash
cd code/square
~/zokrates compile -i square.code
~/zokrates setup
~/zokrates compute-witness -a 3 9
~/zokrates generate-proof
~/zokrates export-verifier


  1. Go to Infura to create an account for creating a project.
  2. Get the ENDPOINT url for Rinkeby test network.
  3. Get the test ETH from faucet.rinkeby.io
  4. Config truffle-config.js with Infura ENDPOINT
  5. Run npm run deploy

Deploy result

   Deploying 'RealEstateERC721Token'
   > contract address:    0x846eF385549Ee30165eD2B51f8437EE41dEfb99A

   Deploying 'SquareVerifier'
   > contract address:    0xCFE6ba31934D78f75d0C7829DE213a35e7BCB8cd

   Deploying 'SolnSquareVerifier'
   > contract address:    0x7190a33E02E110eB5A231A348F5F268ad23a54a7

Contract ABI (xxxxx.json) located in build/contracts

Mint token

  1. Go to Remix - Solidity IDE
  2. Choose injected web3 and copy contract address to "At address"
  3. Mint 10 token according to proof.json and tokenid is from 1 to 10

Result: Total Supply: 10 RE https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/token/0x846eF385549Ee30165eD2B51f8437EE41dEfb99A

Opensea storefront

  1. My storefront is on https://rinkeby.opensea.io/assets/realestatev26
  2. tokenid from 1001 to 1005 is brought by 0xf17f52151EbEF6C7334FAD080c5704D77216b732 https://rinkeby.opensea.io/recent/realestatev26

Project Resources