
“Blockchain Technology Development Open Course” (3rd) - Tsinghua University iCenter

Primary LanguageC


“Blockchain Technology Development Open Course” (3rd) - Tsinghua University iCenter

Development Environment

Recommend IDEs of CLion and PhpStorm


Run C Program

  1. Install CMake
  2. Modify CMakeLists.txt to fit the program you want to run. Mainly in add_executable("....").
  3. In Bash, 'cd' into the project,
cmake .
  1. 'cd' into the cmake build dir, just run the binary file with the project name.

Run PHP Program

  1. Install PHP
  2. In Bash, 'cd' into the project,
php program_you_want_to_run.php


doc/lecture_notes.pdf: notes of the lectures. doc/crypt.pdf: how to use libtomcrypt


Please reading code with the companion guide of doc/lecture_notes.pdf.