
Calculation of prayer times is based on complex algorithms
Algorithms were written in this project to make it easier for programmers and developers and save time in writing these algorithms from the beginning

You can easily calculate prayer times.
By year, month, day, time difference, longitude and latitude,

All you have to do is function call Methods()
function Methods() that takes 6 parameters



There are two ways to get prayer times

  • Create a new object from Method. Like the previous picture.

  • Determine the time format like

  • Code

  • You can have more than one time format

    1. H_M_24 you will get 17:58 ,format 24H
    2. H_M_S_24 you will get 17:58:3513.0176 ,format 24H
    3. HH_MM_AA_12 you will get 05:58 PM ,format 12H AM or PM
    4. Code
  • Function call example

  • Code

  • result

  • Code


Create a new object from OnPrayerTime


  • Code
  • Code

Congratulations😍, you can get the times now