
installing tinygo on mac

install tinygo using brew

brew tap tinygo-org/tools
arch -arm64 brew install tinygo

add arduino dependencies

arch -arm64 brew install avrdude

vscode config

Getting GOROOT and build tags by controller

tinygo info arduino

Vscode settings.json example for arduino controller

  "go.toolsEnvVars": {
    "GOROOT": "~/Library/Caches/tinygo/goroot-fec2d8579c293d2bd4e0e76a523c22d1acfbd2d095f15ac22320ece59243a0fb",
    "GOFLAGS": "-tags=avr baremetal linux arm atmega328p atmega avr5 arduino tinygo math_big_pure_go gc.conservative scheduler.none serial.uart"


Flashing blinky to arduino-mega2560 controller

tinygo flash -target=arduino-mega2560 main.go