
Dockerized tensorflow benchmark tool with GPU support

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Dockerized tensorflow benchmark tool with GPU support

This Docker image is based on the latest tensorflow/tensorflow image with python and gpu support. The tensorflow/benchmarks repository is cloned and used as an entrypoint for the container. This allows some image classification models to be executed within the container with GPUs by passing the corresponding arguments to the docker run command.

For further informations please refer to official TensorFlow Guide.

Run benchmarks

To run ResNet50 with synthetic data and a single GPU use:

docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm cemizm/tf-benchmark-gpu --model resnet50 --num_gpus=1

Frequently used flags:

  • model to use for benchmarks. Examples: alexnet, resnet50, resnet152, inception3, vgg16. default: trivial
  • num_gpus number of gpus to use. default: all available gpus
  • variable_update method for managing variables: parameter_server, replicated, distributed_replicated, independent. default: parameter_server
  • batch_size for each GPU. default: 32

For a list of all available flags use:

docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm cemizm/tf-benchmark-gpu --help


Official TensorFlow results for P100 and K80 can be found in the TensorFlow Guide linked above. Here are some results of consumer hardware in workstation environments.

Setting Value
TensorFlow 1.14
Dataset imagenet (synthetic)
Mode training
SingleSess False
Num batches 100
Num epochs 0.00
NUMA bind False
Data format NCHW
Optimizer sgd
Variables parameter_server

RTX 2070

GPUs InceptionV3 ResNet-50 ResNet-152 AlexNet VGG16
1 122 196 76 2371 112
2 209 364 133 4408 173

RTX 2070 Super

GPUs InceptionV3 ResNet-50 ResNet-152 AlexNet VGG16
1 134 214 84 2610 124

RTX 2080 TI

GPUs InceptionV3 ResNet-50 ResNet-152 AlexNet VGG16
1 194 308 122 3982 186