Doc migration notes

Task list

This is by no means exhaustive, and will start by tracking what is happening in the immediate future or has recently happened.

Phase 1: mirror SVN to Git, use Git for builds.

  • Add doc-base repo to gitolite-admin (en, de, already there).
  • Update in gitolite-admin.
  • Limit commit karma during migration phase.
  • Create git-svn repos of SVN repos (doc-base, en, de, to start with). Do this on SVN server and use file:// paths, so it doesn't take forever.
  • Keep git-svn repos up-to-date as new SVN revisions come in. Probably just a cron for simplicity.
  • Set up repos on GitHub php org.
  • Enable GH mirroring in gitolite-admin.
  • Update to build from git repos
  • Update to build from git repos

Phase 2: updating other tooling and preparing users

  • Add .gitignore (see git-svn show-ignore/create-ignore)
  • Update revcheck and other tools on
  • Get online editor ( ready for git
  • Update and/or draft docs on using git for the docs
  • Announcements (more than one!) that change is coming

Phase 3: transitioning

  • Disable SVN for docs and update rejection message if someone tries to commit to SVN
  • Update gitolite-admin for doc repos (commit emails, etc.)
  • Grant everyone git commit karma
  • Flip the switch for online editor (if we make it work with git)