
Single Page Offline JSON Web Token (JWT) Decoder

Primary LanguageHTML

Single Page Offline JSON Web Token (JWT) Decoder

When working with a JSON Web Token (JWT), I often find I want to decode the JSON Web Token (JWT) and view the payload.

There are lots of great tools online for doing just this (e.g. Auth0's jwt.io and Microsoft's JWT Decoder) however for security reasons I'm not comfortable pasting a production JWT into a website.

To address this concern, I created this single HTML page that does not load any external files.

The page is entirely self-contained (no external JavaScript or CSS files are loaded). Information entered on the page does NOT leave your computer. For further security you can save the page on your computer or pull your own copy from github.com/salcode/jwt.

Found online at jwt.salcode.com


Sal Ferrarello / @salcode