
Adds Woocommerce functionality to a WPGraphQL schema

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

WPGraphQL WooCommerce (WooGraphQL)

Build Status Coverage Status

Quick Install

  1. Install & activate WooCommerce
  2. Install & activate WPGraphQL
  3. (Optional) Install & activate WPGraphQL-JWT-Authentication to add a login mutation that returns a JSON Web Token.
  4. Clone or download the zip of this repository into your WordPress plugin directory & activate the WP GraphQL WooCommerce plugin

What does this plugin do?

It adds WooCommerce functionality to the WPGraphQL schema using WooCommerce's CRUD objects.


  • Query product, customers, coupons, order, refund, product variations with complex filtering options.
  • Add items to cart and process user store session using HTTP header defined by WooGraphQL's built-in session handler
  • Create/process user checkout with the checkout mutation.

Future Features

  • Adminstrator mutations. Eg. Creating and deleting products, coupons, and refunds.


Feel free to test out the extension using the playground. The playground allows you to execute queries and mutations, as well as view the schema.

Unit Tests

Until the documentation is in full effect, it's recommended that a GraphiQL-based tool like WPGraphiQL be used to view the GraphQL schema, an alternative to this is viewing the unit tests located in tests/wpunit directory. Which are constantly updated along with the project. If you're interested in contributing when I begin accepting contribution or simply want to run the tests. Follow the instruction below.



  1. Make sure all dependencies are install by running composer install from the CMD/Terminal in the project directory.

  2. Next the copy 2 distributed files with the .dist in there filenames. For instance .env.dist becomes .env and wpunit.suite.dist.yml becomes wpunit.suite.yml. The distributed files and what their copied names should are as follows.

    • codeception.dist.yml => codeception.yml
    • .env.dist => .env
  3. Next open .env and alter to make you usage.

    # docker ENV variables
    # local codeception/install-wp-tests ENV variables
    # install-wp-tests ENV variables
    # codeception ENV variables
    • docker ENV variables: variables defined for use in the Docker/Docker-Compose setups. These are also used in codeception.dist.yml for testing within a Docker container. It's recommend that this file be left unchanged and a codeception.yml be created for local codeception unit testing.
    • local codeception/install-wp-tests ENV variables: variable defined for use with codeception testing w/o docker and the install-wp-tests script in the bin directory. As mentioned above a codeception.yml should be created from codeception.dist.yml and the variables in the WPLoader config should be set accordingly.
    • install-wp-tests ENV variables: variables specific to the install-wp-tests script. The script can be run using composer install-wp-tests in the terminal from project directory.
    • codeception ENV variables: variables used by codeception. This includes within the docker container as well.
  4. Once you have finish modifying the .env file. Run composer install-wp-tests from the project directory.

  5. Upon success you can begin running the tests.

Running tests

To run test use the command vendor/bin/codecept run [suite [test [:test-function]]]. If you use the command with at least a suite specified, Codeception will run all tests, however this is not recommended. Running a suite vendor/bin/codecept run wpunit or a test vendor/bin/codecept run CouponQueriesTest is recommended. Running a single test-function like vendor/bin/codecept run ProductQueriesTest:testProductsQueryAndWhereArgs is also possible.

To learn more about the usage of Codeception with WordPress view the Documentation

Functional and Acceptance Tests (Docker/Docker-Compose required)

It's possible to run functional and acceptance tests, but is very limited at the moment. The script docker entrypoint script runs all three suites (acceptance, functional, and wpunit) at once. This will change eventually, however as of right now, this is the limitation.

Running tests

Even though the two suite use a Docker environment to run, the docker environment relies on a few environmental variables defined in .env.dist and a volume source provided by the test install script and the configuration codeception.dist.yml. If you have created a codeception.yml file ensure it is identical to codeception.dist.yml or delete it. Run the following in the terminal to run all three suites. Isolating specific suites should be simple to figure out.

docker-compose run --rm -e SUITE=acceptance;wpunit;functional -e DEBUG=1 -e COVERAGE=1 testing --scale app=0
  • The COVERAGE, and DEBUG vars are optional flags for toggle codecoverage and debug output.
  • --scale app=0 ensures that the service running a local app doesn't create any instances. It must be added or a collision with mysql will occur. More on this service in the next section

Using docker-compose to run a local installation for live testing.

This is rather simple just like with testing using docker ensure that env.dist and codeception.dist.yml are untouched.

  1. Run docker-compose up --scale testing=0 app
  2. wait for app_1 | Success: Exported to '/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-graphql-woocommerce/tests/_data/dump.sql'. to print to the terminal.
  3. navigate to http://localhost:8091. And that's it. You can view the configuration for the installation in the docker-compose.yml. NOTE: if you get redirected to http://localhost run docker-compose down to remove any existing containers related to the project, then re-run Step 1.
  • For more information about the docker-image uses in the service, it's on Docker Hub.

HTTP Error 500 🚧

If you get HTTP 500 error upon activation or accessing the endpoint and have CMD/Terminal access with Composer installed.

  • Try deleting the vendor directory rm -rf vendor and regenerating the autoloading files composer dumpautoload -o in the wp-graphql-woocommerce directory in your WordPress installation's plugins directory.
  • (Alternative) You can also try delete and cloning the repository again. The latest release should have fixed the issue.

Support this extension

@kidunot89 (WooGraphQL Creator/Developer) 👉 Github Sponsors

WPGraphQL 👉 OpenCollective

GraphQL-PHP 👉 OpenCollective


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