
anime characters datasets,anime characters face datasets, anime characters face detection datasets,


  • link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1D2d5NTvanj8J1L4EgR-dmw extract code: 8h9i

  • 动漫部分角色数据集:

    1. train.zip 涵盖552个热度角色头部图片,每个角色平均50张图片(including head images of average 50 amount each for 522 characters)
    2. roleImageCollection3.zip 手办图片(some GARAGE KIT images crawled from hopi wiki)
    3. 60headzip 涵盖60个热度角色的头部图片,每个角色约150张图片 (head images of average 150 amount each for every 60 characters)
    4. 60fullimage 涵盖60个热度角色全图(full images of average 150 amount each for every 60 characters)
    5. Voc-2007 anime-face-detector:anime images and head box infomation used for training anime face detector)