
Doing the practise interview assignments on coderbyte in preparation of an actual timed interview to brush up on concepts and familiarise with the platform.

Primary LanguagePython


Doing the free practise interview assignments on coderbyte in preparation of an actual timed interview to brush up on concepts and familiarise with the platform.

Exercise 1 - "Arrays*: Find Intersection"


  • Does not work on Coderbyte, works locally only!
    • See: The following comment in 1_find_intersection.py:

        This works locally running Python 3.8!
        But somehow this doesn't work on the Coderbyte site - test cases and possibly running the code seems to
        do a list conversion in the background when using Python 3 - this should not be happening 🤔
*In Python this exercise utilizes sets, lists

Exercise 2 - "Strings: Longest Word"


  • Works on Coderbyte.
    • See: 2_longest_word.py.

Exercise 3 - "Strings: Questions Marks"


  • Not started.