
Messaging api supporting request-response and acknowledgements.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Messaging API supporting acknowledgements and request-response

Build Status


  • Inject the appropriate logger and set up connection parameters:
logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
freddy = Freddy.build(logger, host: 'localhost', port: 5672, user: 'guest', pass: 'guest')

Releasing a new version

A new version is created when a change is merged into the master branch that changes the version number in freddy.gemspec. A Github Action will create a tag for the version and push the .gem file to rubygems.org

Supported message queues

These message queues have been tested and are working with Freddy. Other queues can be added easily:

Delivering messages

Simple delivery

Send and forget

Sends a message to the given destination. If there is no consumer then the message stays in the queue until somebody consumes it.

freddy.deliver(destination, message)

Expiring messages

Sends a message to the given destination. If nobody consumes the message in timeout seconds then the message is discarded. This is useful for showing notifications that must happen in a certain timeframe but where we don't really care if it reached the destination or not.

freddy.deliver(destination, message, timeout: 5)

Compressed messages

Sends a message to the given destination. If compress is passed as an option parameter, it will compress the payload according to the algorithm provided. Currently the zlib algorithm is implemented to compress the payload. The message heading specify the content-encoding indicating the compression algorithm used.

freddy.deliver(destination, message, compress: 'zlib')

Metadata through headers

Send a message with arbitrary message metadata included in the message headers freddy.deliver(destination, message, headers: {'my-key' => 'my-value'})

Request delivery

Expiring messages

Sends a message to the given destination. Has a default timeout of 3 and discards the message from the queue if a response hasn't been returned in that time.

response = freddy.deliver_with_response(destination, message)

Persistant messages

Sends a message to the given destination. Keeps the message in the queue if a timeout occurs.

response = freddy.deliver_with_response(destination, message, timeout: 4, delete_on_timeout: false)


deliver_with_response raises an error if an error is returned. This can be handled by rescuing from Freddy::InvalidRequestError and Freddy::TimeoutError as:

  response = freddy.deliver_with_response 'Q', {}
  # ...
rescue Freddy::InvalidRequestError => e
  e.response # => { error: 'InvalidRequestError', message: 'Some error message' }
rescue Freddy::TimeoutError => e
  e.response # => { error: 'RequestTimeout', message: 'Timed out waiting for response' }

Responding to messages

freddy.respond_to destination do |message, msg_handler|
  # ...

The callback is called with 2 arguments

  • the parsed message (note that in the message all keys are symbolized)
  • the MessageHandler (described further down)

The MessageHandler

When responding to messages the MessageHandler is given as the second argument.

The following operations are supported:

  • responding with a successful response
msg_handler.success(response = nil)
  • responding with an error response
msg_handler.error(error: "Couldn't process message")

Tapping into messages

When it's necessary to receive messages but not consume them, consider tapping.

freddy.tap_into pattern do |message, destination|
  • destination refers to the destination that the message was sent to
  • Note that it is not possible to respond to the message while tapping.
  • When tapping the following wildcards are supported in the pattern :
    • # matching 0 or more words
    • * matching exactly one word


freddy.tap_into "i.#.free"

receives messages that are delivered to "i.want.to.break.free"

freddy.tap_into "somebody.*.love"

receives messages that are delivered to somebody.to.love but doesn't receive messages delivered to someboy.not.to.love

It is also possible to tap using multiple patterns:

freddy.tap_into(['user.created', 'user.deleted'], group: 'user-event') do
  # This processes events from both user.created topic and user.deleted topic.
  # It also groups them into one queue called 'user-event'. This ensures that
  # only one listener within a group process a particular event.

The ResponderHandler

When responding to a message or tapping the ResponderHandler is returned.

responder_handler = freddy.respond_to ....

The following operations are supported:

  • stop responding

Request Tracing

Freddy supports [OpenTelemetry API|https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-ruby]. The trace information is automatically passed through deliver, deliver_with_response, respond_to and tap_into calls.

This is not compatible with opentelemetry-instrumentation-bunny library.

Notes about concurrency

freddy uses a thread pool to run concurrent responders. The thread pool is unique for each tap_into and respond_to responder. Thread pool size can be configured by passing the configuration option max_concurrency. Its default value is 4. e.g. If your application has 2 respond_to responders and 1 tap_into responder with max_concurrency set to 3 then your application may process up to 9 messages in parallel.

Note that while it is possible to use deliver_with_response inside a respond_to block, it is not possible to use another respond_to block inside a different respond_to block.

Note also that other configuration options for freddy users such as pool sizes for DB connections need to match or exceed max_concurrency to avoid running out of resources.

Read more from http://rubybunny.info/articles/concurrency.html.


freddy was originally written by Urmas Talimaa as part of SaleMove development team.

SaleMove Inc. 2012

freddy is maintained and funded by SaleMove, Inc.

The names and logos for SaleMove are trademarks of SaleMove, Inc.