Kubernetes Control Plane Assessment

This repository contains the report of a security assessment of the Kubernetes control plane as well as code and configuration samples. The overall idea of this repository is described in the Salesforce Engineering Blog Post.

Taints & Tolerations

Taints apply certain labels to nodes for which tolerations can be configured per pod. To enforce those tolerations (and no conflicting ones) on a namespace basis, the admission controller PodTolerationRestriction is used.

Create a namespace with toleration enforcements:

kubectl apply -f taints-tolerations/namespace.yaml

Deploy a pod to that namespace and observe scheduling decisions:

kubectl apply -f taints-tolerations/pod-enforced.yaml
kubectl describe pod echo -n enforced


nodeSelector allows pods to include node constraints with the pod sepc. To enforce those constraints on a namespace basis, the admission controller PodNodeSelector is used.

Enable PodNodeSelector for kube-apiserver via its manifest:

mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector/
cat > /etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector/admission-configuration.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1
kind: AdmissionConfiguration
- name: PodNodeSelector
  path: /adm-control/nodeselector.yaml

cat > /etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector/podnodeselector-configuration.yaml <<EOF
  clusterDefaultNodeSelector: "env=development"
  production: "env=production"
  noannotation: "env=notpresent"

# Add admission controller config to kube-apiserver manifest. Depending on your K8s deployment, you may have to apply this in a different way. 
vim /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml

# Add plugin and configuration
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,PodNodeSelector
    - --admission-control-config-file=/etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector/admission-configuration.yaml
    - mountPath: /adm-control
      name: adm-control
      readOnly: true
  - hostPath:
      path: /etc/kubernetes/podnodeselector/
      type: DirectoryOrCreate
    name: adm-control

After the kube-apiserver is restarted, you can apply labels and create namespaces including annotations:

kubectl label node worker1 env=production
kubectl label node worker2 env=development
kubectl create namespace production
kubectl create namespace development
kubectl create namespace noannotation
kubectl patch namespace production -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/node-selector":"env=production"}}}'

After that you can deply various pods and observer where they are deployed or rejected:

kubectl apply -f nodeselector/pod-dev.yaml
kubectl apply -f nodeselector/pod-prod.yaml
kubectl apply -f nodeselector/pod-conflict.yaml