- 10
Is there something broken with v6.0.1?
#402 opened by erocheleau - 0
- 3
- 5
Error/Warning while running lwc-jest tests on a single newly created LWC component.
#344 opened by erocheleau - 3
- 9
Incorrect coverage when mocked apex function and copyright placed before its import
#320 opened by framocma - 5
- 18
Consider using `peerDependencies` for LWC
#349 opened by nolanlawson - 2
Convert to ESM and rely on a single `lwc` package
#366 opened by nolanlawson - 2
Add getRecords stub to uiRecordApi.js
#282 opened by p3v9d5ui - 2
Cannot Find `lightning/toast` Module
#352 opened by freddysilber - 7
upgrade to 1.1.3 breaks certain tests
#288 opened by satyasekharcvb - 6
Error: LWC1702: lwc => import {createElement} from 'lwc'; seems to be broken?
#350 opened by erocheleau - 1
Missing spring24 tagged release
#347 opened by alan-morey - 1
Add getRecordNotifyChange stub to uiRecordApi.js
#267 opened by zacbarton - 4
Add Flowsupport stub into lightning stubs
#244 opened by jefersonchaves - 5
- 2
Support Jest 29 and use of new conditional directives support for elements other than template
#319 opened by manish3344 - 2
Issue when test connectedCallback method on LWC component that use more that one module mock
#304 opened by vdyn - 6
Cannot run JEST unit test on “getRelatedListRecords” from uiRelatedListApi.
#278 opened by simon-nowak - 0
Include Graphql Transformer for Jest
#328 opened by AllanOricil - 2
- 3
How to configure jest to use mocks from node_modules from external 2gp dependencies
#305 opened by joeythomaschaske - 1
Enable jest-preview
#292 opened by AllanOricil - 1
- 1
- 3
[LWC warn]: Unknown public property * of element *. This is either a typo on the corresponding attribute "*", or the attribute does not exist in this browser or DOM implementation.
#306 opened by AllanOricil - 5
Enable Jest 29 to fix `FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory` errors
#301 opened by AllanOricil - 2
- 1
Coverage report incorrectly generated with v1.1.0
#266 opened by NTaylor1993 - 4
Missing winter23 tagged npm version
#294 opened by alan-morey - 1
When sfdx-lwc-jest is installed globally, tests run with mocked Apex Method are failing
#293 opened by RemyVULTAGGIO - 1
- 2
lightning/confirm is not support
#277 opened by vzhut - 2
- 2
Add support for Jest v28
#274 opened by pozil - 3
- 1
Versions are out of sync between GitHub and npm
#264 opened by pozil - 9
don't know how to turn this value into a node at valueToNode (node_modules/@babel/types/lib/converters/valueToNode.js:98:9)
#263 opened by AllanOricil - 4
Jest "jumping" to assertions when async service component/module/dependency is called
#262 opened by joeythomaschaske - 2
getFieldValue returning null when given field reference such as Case.RecordType.Name
#253 opened by AllanOricil - 1
How do we test components that use Inheritance?
#249 opened by AllanOricil - 0
- 3
- 1
Jest Test failing because it can't resolve stub
#248 opened by AllanOricil - 7
Connector.connect is not a function
#246 opened by gdlt88 - 5
lwc jest not working with Optional Chaining
#241 opened by AllanOricil - 1
All test suites failed to run since 1.0.0
#239 opened by alanjaouen - 6
Error when testing parent and child components where child invokes an apex method
#232 opened by filiprafalowicz - 0
Error when testing a component that invokes an apex method which return value is not mocked
#230 opened by jodarove