
example bash script to extract profiles/permissionsets (requires sfdx, unzip, awk)

Primary LanguageShell


example bash script to extract profiles/permissionsets from an org (requires sfdx, unzip, awk)


example bash script to strip out everything but objectPermssions from profiles/permissionsets (requires xslt, awk)

example steps migrating from one org to another (eg. sandbox -> target)

  1. connect sfdx cli to the orgs

    sfdx force:auth:web:login -r https://test.salesforce.com -a sandbox

    sfdx force:auth:web:login -r https://test.salesforce.com -a target

  2. extract the profiles

    ./extract_profileps.sh sandbox

  3. process the profiles from sandbox and output to sandbox_deploy

    ./process_profileps.sh sandbox sandbox_deploy

  4. deploy to target org (check)

    sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -c -d src/sandbox_deploy -w -1 -u target

  5. fix errors (eg. fix missing target objects by adding to process_objectPermissions.awk, fix userPermissions in target org or directly in profiles/permissionsets in src/sandbox_deploy folder) and repeat step 4.


These scripts are provided for example purposes only. Please ensure you understand the implications of the commands you are running especially any sfdx force:mdapi:deploy commands.