identify public buildings Sweden

as an "answer" on a vague FB question of getting open data about public buildings. Nota bene we got no background why not just fake it is good enough (see xxx)


  1. start with 2 small datasets I have dine just to prove what you can create in a week
    1. Outdoor gym - see Wikidata:WikiProject_Outdoor_Gyms example SPARQL map , list sv/en
    2. Swedish Bathing waters - see Wikidata WikiProject_Sweden/Svenska_badplatser / Github -> map, list sv/en
  2. other datasets that maybe have a quality
    1. schools was uploaded by xxxxx see map, list
    2. buidings from Swedish National Heritage Board is a dataset we have quality problems with
      1. we have dataquality issues see xxxx they have an oldschool helpdesk system like "email us and maybe you get an answer if we care"... see issues with more than 5999 errors

Open Street Map

They have SPARQL interface(updated less often) and Overpass quries that I have used. You then need to define what object