SFDX Cli Cheat Sheet

Apex Commands

### Creates an Apex Class `sfdx force:apex:class:create -n -d `

Creates an Apex Trigger

sfdx force:apex:trigger:create -n TRIGGERNAME -d <OUTPUTDIR> -s <sObject> -e <TRIGGEREVENTS>

Executes one or more lines of anonymous Apex Code, or executes the code in a local file

sfdx force:apex:execute -u <user-email-id@example.com> -f <APEXCODEFILE>

Fetches the last Debug Log

sfdx force:apex:log:get -u <user-email-id@example.com> -c -n <Number of Logs> -i <LOGID>

Displays a list of debug Log IDs, along with General Information

sfdx force:apex:log:list -u <user-email-id@example.com>

Authentication Commands

### List Auth Connection Information `sfdx force:auth:list`

Log Out of all connected Orgs

sfdx force:auth:logout -a --noprompt

Log Out a user

sfdx force:auth:logout -u <user-email-id@example.com>

Connect Salesforce DX to an Org (e.g. DevHub, Sandbox, Production)

sfdx force:auth:web:login -d -r <Login URL> -a <Org Alias>

Config Commands

### Gets the Salesforce CLI Configuration values `sfdx force:config:get`

Lists the Configuration variables

sfdx force:config:list

Set a Scratch Org as the Default

sfdx force:config:set defaultusername=<user-email-id@example.com>

Lightning Commands

### Creates a Lightning App Bundle `sfdx force:lightning:app:create -n -d `

Creates a bundle for an Aura Component or a Lightning Web Component

sfdx force:lightning:component:create -n <Component Name> -d <OUTPUTDIR> -type <aura | lwc>

Creates a Lightning Event Bundle

force:lightning:event:create -n <EVENTNAME> -d <OUTPUTDIR>

Creates a Lightning Interface Bundle

sfdx force:lightning:interface:create -n <EVENTNAME> -d <OUTPUTDIR>

Org Commands

### Create a Scratch Org `sfdx force:org:create -s -f -u -a `

Marks a Scratch Org for Deletion

sfdx force:org:delete -u <user-email-id@example.com> --noprompt

Gets the description for the Current or Target Org

sfdx force:org:display --json -u <user-email-id@example.com>

View a list all of the Orgs

sfdx force:org:list -all

List all Orgs except inactive/expired Orgs

sfdx force:org:list --clean --noprompt

Open a org in your browser

sfdx force:org:open -u <user-email-id@example.com>

Project Commands

### Create a blank project `sfdx force:project:create -d -n `

Create project with manifest

sfdx force:project:create -d <OUTPUTDIR> -x -n <Project Name>

Schema Commands

### Displays the metadata for a standard or custom object `sfdx force:schema:sobject:describe -u -s `

Lists all Objects of a specified sObject category

sfdx force:schema:sobject:list -u <user-email-id@example.com> -c <sObject Type Category>

  • c = all, custom, or standard

Source Commmands

### Converts Source-Formatted files into Metadata that you can deploy using Metadata API `sfdx force:source:convert -r -d -x -m ` * m comma-separated list of names of metadata components to delete from your project and your org

Deletes Source Files from your Project and from a Non-Source-Tracked Org

sfdx force:source:delete -u <user-email-id@example.com> --noprompt -m <METADATA>

Deploy source to an Org

sfdx force:source:deploy -p <SOURCEPATH> -m <METADATA> -u <user-email-id@example.com>

Cancels an Asynchronous Source Deployment

sfdx force:source:deploy:cancel -u <user-email-id@example.com>

Opens the specified Lightning Page in Lightning App Builder

sfdx force:source:open -u <user-email-id@example.com> -f <SOURCEFILE>

Pull changes Source from the Scratch Org to your Project to keep them in Sync

sfdx force:source:pull -u <user-email-id@example.com> -f

Pushes changes Source from your Project to a Scratch Org to keep them in Sync

sfdx force:source:push -u <user-email-id@example.com> -f

RetrievesMetadata in Source format from an Org to your local Salesforce DX Project

sfdx force:source:retrieve -u <user-email-id@example.com> -m <METADATA> -x <MANIFEST> -p <SOURCEPATH>

Lists changes that have been made locally, in a Scratch Org, or Both

sfdx force:source:status -u <user-email-id@example.com> -a

User Commands

### Creates a user for a Scratch Org `sfdx force:user:create -u -a `

Displays information about a user of a Scratch Org

sfdx force:user:display -u <user-email-id@example.com>

Lists all users of a Scratch Org

sfdx force:user:list -u <user-email-id@example.com>

Generates a password for Scratch Org users

sfdx force:user:password:generate -u <user-email-id@example.com>

Assigns a named permission set to one or more users of an Org

sfdx force:user:permset:assign -u <user-email-id@example.com> -n <PERMSETNAME>

Visualforce Commands

### Creates a Visualforce Component `sfdx force:visualforce:component:create -d -n -l `

Creates a Visualforce Page

sfdx force:visualforce:page:create -d <OUTPUTDIR> -n <Component Name> -l <Label>

Upadte Commands

### Update sfdx `sfdx update`
