Patricia is a bit-alphabet based, space-optimized trie for string storage.
Patricia Trees (also known as Crit-Bit Trees and Compressed Binary Trees) are extremely space-efficient compared to standard tries due to their compression of nodes with only one child. Therefore, no unnecessary nodes and edges are stored, cutting down on both storage and steps needed to traverse the trie.
This trie operates on a bit alphabet and can store any type of ASCII text. It operates similarly to a Radix Tree, with radix r=2.
Add the library as a dependency to your project using Maven.
import io.github.saligrama.patricia.PatriciaTree;
public class PatriciaExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
PatriciaTree tree = new PatriciaTree();
System.out.println(tree.add("Foo bar baz quux")); // should print true
System.out.println(tree.contains("Foo")); // should print false
System.out.println(tree.contains("Foo bar baz quux")); // should print true
System.out.println(tree.remove("Foo bar baz quux")); // should print true