
Backend For Human Resource Management System

Primary LanguageJava


📝 Presentation

This is a hrms project. At the backend of this project I used Java(Spring Boot) and I used PostgreSQL as database management. At the frontend I am planning to use React.

java postgresql

🔧 About The Project

💻 Technologies:
  • Spring Boot
  • PostgreSQL
  • Api
  • JPA-Hibernate
  • Lombok
💻 Developing techniques:
  • Layered Architecture
  • Object Oriented Programming(OOP)

💡 Version İnformation

🔍 Version 1.0

Database Scheme

✔ You can get at database script from this field. SQL QUERY: hrms.sql

✔ Installation steps are shown below this text

  1. You can install the base springboot project from the "spring.io" website. Example
  2. then import maven project from IDE
  3. Creating Layers (Help)
🔍 Version 1.0.1

Added candidate and employer entities in system.

Added some operations in system.(register,listing etc.)

Added some validation operation in system.(person,mail etc.)

Added base message structure

🔍 Version 1.0.2
Added job position and city entities in system.

Added some listing operations in system.(get all job positions,get all active job positions etc.)

[Database Scheme Last Version]-[Database Script Last Version]

🔍 Version 1.0.3
Added curriculum vitae's entities in system.

Added cv operations in system.(get cv,add skill etc.)

🔍 Version 1.0.4
Added cloudinary image management for cv photos

[Database Scheme Last Version]-[Database Script Last Version]

🔍 Version 1.0.5
Added job-types for job postings

Added working time for job postings

Added company logo for employers

[Database Scheme Last Version]

🔍 Version 1.0.6
Some bugs fixed

[Database Scheme Last Version]

🔍 Version 1.0.7

[Database Scheme Last Version]