decentralized Rating system using ETHEREUM smart contracts and react consist of there major Parts.
- Client /React application +web3pi.
- RestApi (node js) +mongob.
- Truffle+ ganache+metmask 1-Truffle+ganache+metamask. Compile,develop and migrate the smart contract using these commands: Run always first ganache and set Project workspace in setting -truffle compile. -truffle develop. -truffle migrate --network ganache. This will generate a and use gas from ganache. 2-REST API(Nodejs+mongodb). Open project folder -cd backend -npm install. -nodemon server.js. Possible errors: CORS POLICY ERROR(Solution:Enable google cors extension). Mongodb not connected(Solution :go to backend/config/keys). Change mongodb srv name according to your mongodb When all resolve you will see messgae Mongodb successfulyy connected(now let’s fly). 3- React+Web3 . -Cd client. -npm install. -Npm start.