Fake reviews is one of biggest problem in order to cope with it .We are going to build a decentralized Rating system using ETHEREUM smart contracts ,react. which propose the solution to eliminate these fake reviews

Primary LanguageJavaScript


decentralized Rating system using ETHEREUM smart contracts and react consist of there major Parts.

  1. Client /React application +web3pi.
  2. RestApi (node js) +mongob.
  3. Truffle+ ganache+metmask 1-Truffle+ganache+metamask. Compile,develop and migrate the smart contract using these commands: Run always first ganache and set Project workspace in setting -truffle compile. -truffle develop. -truffle migrate --network ganache. This will generate a and use gas from ganache. 2-REST API(Nodejs+mongodb). Open project folder -cd backend -npm install. -nodemon server.js. Possible errors: CORS POLICY ERROR(Solution:Enable google cors extension). Mongodb not connected(Solution :go to backend/config/keys). Change mongodb srv name according to your mongodb When all resolve you will see messgae Mongodb successfulyy connected(now let’s fly). 3- React+Web3 . -Cd client. -npm install. -Npm start.