
Course Project: Flexible Cache and Memory hierarchy simulator.

Primary LanguageC

Implementation of flexible cache and memory hierarchy simulator.

Problem Definition:
Design a generic cache module that can be used at any level in a memory hierarchy. 
So it can instantiated as L1 cache, L2 cache etc.
Cache should be configurable in terms of supporting any cache size, associativity and block size.

Specification of Simulator:
The simulator must accept 10 command line arguments as shown below - 
sim_cache <BLOCKSIZE> 
          <L1_SIZE> <L1_ASSOC> <L1_PREF_N> <L1_PREF_M>
	  <L2_Size> <L2_ASSOC> <L2_PREF_N> <L2_PREF_M>

AUthor: Salil Kanitkar (sskanitk@ncsu.edu)