
This a simple chat app created using Next.js 13 for educational purposes. User can login using Google Login API and send messages or chats.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This a simple chat app created using Next.js 13 for educational purposes. User can login using Google Login API and send real time messages or chats.

Simple Chat App

  • This is a simple chat app
  • Login using NextAuth.js
  • Realtime chat using Upstash, Redis & Pusher
  • NextJS 13 app directory
  • Hosted in Vercel

Tech/framework used

  • Next.js
  • NextAuth.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Upstash
  • Pusher
  • TypeScript

Starting the project

Open the .env.local.example and fill in your Redis Configurations, Pusher Configurations & NextAuth Configurations then save it as .env.local the run the following command:

npm install
npm run dev


The app hosted on Vercel. Click here to visit.
Direct link: https://chatters.salimi.my




