
This is a complete authentication example app built using Next.js 14 and Auth.js, including server actions.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Auth · Author Salimi

This is a complete authentication example app built with Next.js 14 and Auth.js using the latest server actions. Sign in & sign up can use credentials or oauth providers with Google or GitHub. Authentication includes password reset, email verification, two factor authentication & role gate.

Next.js authentication starter

  • Light / dark / system mode
  • PostgreSQL, Neon & Prisma for database
  • NextAuth.js v5 or Auth.js for authentication
  • React Email for email templating
  • Resend for sending email
  • Using Next.js 14 Server Action

Tech/framework used

  • Next.js 14
  • Shadcn/ui
  • NextAuth.js v5 / Auth.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Neon
  • Prisma
  • React Email
  • Resend

Starting the project

Open the .env.example and fill in your Prisma, Auth & Resend Configurations then save it as .env the run the following command:

npm install
npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push
npm run dev


Hosted privately on personal DigitalOcean Droplet. Click here to visit.
Direct link: https://auth.salimi.my




Sign in

Sign in

Sign up

Sign up

