
This is a Notion clone app created using Next.js. It is a productivity and note-taking web application.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Motion · Author Salimi

This is a Notion clone app created using Next.js for educational purposes. Motion is a productivity and note-taking web application. It offers organizational tools including task management, project tracking, to-do lists, and bookmarking.

Notion Clone

  • Real time database
  • Light / dark / system mode
  • Authentication using Clerk
  • Convex for database
  • Edgestore for image upload
  • Zustand for state management
  • Notion like editor using BlockNote
  • Hosted in Vercel

Tech/framework used

  • Next.js 13 App Dir
  • Shadcn/ui
  • Clerk
  • Tailwind CSS
  • TypeScript
  • Convex
  • Edgestore
  • BlockNote
  • Zustand
  • Vercel

Starting the project

Open the .env.example and fill in your Convex configuration, Edgestore configuration & Clerk Auth Configurations then save it as .env.local the run the following command:

npm install
npm run dev
npx convex dev


The app is hosted on Vercel. Click here to visit.
Direct link: https://motion.salimi.my


Landing page

Landing page

Sign in

Sign in

