
Check missing type definition modules for your Typescript project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Dependency Status npm npm version Build Status

Check missing type definition modules for your Typescript project

You may forget to add type definitions for your projects. It's hard to add all dependencies at the same time. You need to be sure that how many modules have definition module like @types/....

types-checker will do it for you

cd path/of/your/project
types-checker # aliases ts-checker OR tscheck



Default params

Starting types-checker@0.0.3
These modules are missing @types/config @types/node
Please run with '--all' param if you want to install these dependencies
Done in 1.66s

Using with Yarn

tscheck -a
Starting types-checker@0.0.3
These modules are missing @types/config @types/node
Running yarn add --dev @types/config @types/node
Done in 2.66s

Using with NPM

tscheck -a -N
Starting types-checker@0.0.3
These modules are missing @types/config @types/node
Running npm install --save-dev @types/config @types/node
Done in 2.00s

Interactive Mode



yarn add global types-checker


npm i -g types-checker


types-checker --help

Usage: types-checker [options]


  -V, --version           output the version number
  -l, --logger            Debug output. See all logs
  -c, --no-color          Disable colored output
  -a, --install           Install all possible type definitions
  -e, --error             Return the number of packages as exit code
  -p, --path [value]      Path for package.json file
  -i, --interactive       Interactive mode
  -N, --use-npm           Use NPM instead of Yarn
  -D, --dev-dependencies  Search for devDependencies
  -h, --help              output usage information