
This is a Node.js script designed to parse and analyze log files. The script generates a summary report including counts of each log level and occurrences of specific request types.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Log File Analyzer


Log File Analyzer is a Node.js script designed to parse and analyze log files. It extracts important information such as timestamps, log levels (ERROR, WARNING, INFO, SECURITY, DEBUG), and log messages. The script then generates a summary report including counts of each log level and occurrences of specific request types.


  • File Input: Takes the log file path as a command-line argument.
  • Line-by-Line Processing: Reads the log file line by line.
  • Regular Expressions: Uses regular expressions to extract and parse log entries.
  • Data Collection: Counts occurrences of different log levels and tracks request types.
  • Summary Report: Outputs a summary of errors, warnings, info, security, and debug logs, along with request counts.

Example Usage

Running the Script

node app.js path/to/your/logfile.log

Example Log File

Create a file named example.log with the following content:

2023-07-01T12:00:00.000Z [INFO] Starting server
2023-07-01T12:01:00.000Z [ERROR] Failed to connect to database
2023-07-01T12:02:00.000Z [INFO] Request type: GET
2023-07-01T12:02:30.000Z [INFO] Request type: POST
2023-07-01T12:03:00.000Z [WARNING] High memory usage detected
2023-07-01T12:04:00.000Z [SECURITY] Unauthorized access attempt
2023-07-01T12:05:00.000Z [DEBUG] Debugging application
2023-07-01T12:06:00.000Z [INFO] Request type: GET
2023-07-01T12:07:00.000Z [ERROR] Failed to retrieve data
2023-07-01T12:08:00.000Z [INFO] Server shutting down

Sample Output

Log Analysis Summary:
Error Count: 2
Warning Count: 1
Info Count: 4
Security Count: 1
Debug Count: 1

Request Counts:
GET: 2

Customization and Enhancements

  • Log Format: Modify the regular expressions to match your specific log file format.
  • Filtering: Add more filters to extract specific types of events or data.
  • Additional Statistics: Calculate average response time, error rates by request type, etc.
  • Time Range Filtering: Allow filtering by time range.
  • Output Formats: Generate reports in different formats (CSV, JSON, HTML).
  • Visualization: Use libraries like chart.js to create charts or graphs of your data.
  • Error Handling: Add robust error handling for file reading and log parsing.


  • Node.js
  • readline module (built-in in Node.js)
  • fs module (built-in in Node.js)


This project is licensed under the MIT License.