
Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause




rtklib_ros_bridge is a package that outputs the latitude and longitude, satellite reception status, altitude, ecef xyz, ecef velocity vector, and Time of Week (GPS Time) calculated by RTKLIB as ROS messages.


  1. First, download the modified RTKLIB to your home directory.

     cd $HOME  
     git clone https://github.com/MapIV/RTKLIB.git
     cd $HOME/RTKLIB     
     git checkout rtklib_ros_bridge_b34    

    About RTKLIB

  2. Build RTKLIB.

     cd $HOME/RTKLIB/lib/iers/gcc/  
     cd $HOME/RTKLIB/app  
  3. Change the permissions of the two files.

     cd $HOME/RTKLIB/app/rtkrcv/gcc  
     chmod 755 rtkstart.sh  
     chmod 755 rtkshut.sh  
  4. Next, download and build rtklib_ros_bridge.

     cd $HOME/catkin_ws/src  
     git clone https://github.com/MapIV/rtklib_ros_bridge.git  
     cd ..  
     catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release  


  1. Open RTKLIB settings.

     gedit $HOME/RTKLIB/app/rtkrcv/conf/rtklib_ros_bridge_sample.conf
  2. Set the serial device on line 10. If you connect using USB, it is OK.

Line 10:
inpstr1-path =/serial/by-id/usb-u-blox_AG_-_www.u-blox.com_u-blox_GNSS_receiver-if00:9600:8:n:1:off

※If you know the device number "/dev/ttyACM-" but OK.

  1. Next, configure the receiver from ublox application, u-center.The usage of u-center is not described here. Below is an overview of the settings. (Here is how to use a Ublox receiver)
  • Enable UBX message ※Set to output only RAWX and SFRBX

  • Save your settings last.

    About u-center


  1. Connect the GNSS receiver and start RTKLIB.

     cd $HOME/RTKLIB  
     bash rtklib_ros_bridge_sample.sh  
  2. Check the status of RTKLIB. If GPS Time is moving, it is OK. Execute the following command in the terminal of item 3.

     status 0.1  

※If GPS Time is not working, there may be a mistake in the receiver settings or RTKLIB settings.

  1. Start rtklib_ros_bridge.

     rosrun rtklib_bridge rtklib_bridge