
Standalone LED driver using two TLC5940 controlled by an ATmega328.

Primary LanguageC++BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Standalone driver for 32 LEDs

This board should drive 32 LEDs using 12bit resolution at a ~2kHz frequency using two TLC5940s controlled by a ATmega328. There is one button and a vibration sensor, to changes modes and save power (both optional). The serial can be accessed (so Arduino support should be possible).

The software is written using the XPCC library, for its TLC5940 driver, gamma correction and workflow classes.


This repository is organized as follows:

  • The hardware folder contains the EAGLE schematics and layouts of the electronic assembly, with parts list and datasheets.
  • The software folder contains the software for the microcontroller.