
Easy to use boilerplate for Laravel project utilizing laravel-websockets package

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Easy to use boilerplate for Laravel project (9.x) utilizing laravel-websockets package.


Before starting Laraws installation process, make sure you have the following software requirements installed properly on your system:

Next, suppose you wish to create a new Laraws application named lara, you may run the following installation commands.

git clone https://github.com/salkuadrat/laraws lara

cd lara


npm install


Of course, you may change the application (directory) name for your new project with any name you want.


After finishing the installation and setup processes without any errors, you may kickstart the new application by running the following commands in two separate (parallel) terminals.


To test drive and check whether the laravel websocket run properly, you may open your application in the browser http://localhost:8000.

You may use the following URL to open the Websockets statistics dashboard page: http://localhost:8000/ws.

If you wish to change the ws path for your statistics dashboard page, you may edit the value of WEBSOCKETS_PATH on your .env file (you may use any path you want, as long as it's not being used by your application web routes).

Database & Migration

The previous installation steps prepares your new application to use the default local SQLite database.

If you wish to change the database driver of your application, you may edit the related database configurations at the .env file, and then re-run the migration Artisan command php artisan migrate.

Note: you may need to uncomment the following commented configurations to use other non-SQLite database drivers: DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD.


Laraws is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.