
les tests fonctionnels automatiques des modules presto

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Information: To use the following test suites, you need to install a PrestaShop in English in country France. (or you may change some assertions like the separator “,” or “.”, “€” or “$” or “£” or …] You need to create a user in Back Office with SuperAdmin rights and the following information’s: Login: demo@prestashop.com Password: demo_prestashop

a) Installation To use nodeJS tests, you need to install:

  • NodeJS
  • Npm
  • Webdrivers pour Chrome et firefox

Required modules to install using npm are:

  • json
  • minimist
  • mocha
  • node-uuid
  • parsed-url
  • q
  • req
  • should
  • webdriverio
  • window
  • selenium-standalone

b) How to launch tests

  • First, you need to start selenium-standalone

  • Go to the folder of the module you want to test and execute the following line:

  • Launch tests :

    mocha index.webdriverio.js --URL=presto200917.staging-prestashopready.net --EMAIL=remi.gaillard@prestashop.com --PWD=abcd1234
  • URL: Front office URL of your prestashop website (without the “http://”)

  • Email : Admin email

  • PWD : Admin password