
Inside this repo there are five projects.

Escape Pokemón (Pokemon Scape)

An small project that wanted to reinforce memory managment and file parsing concepts. it can be compiled using the following command: gcc -std=c99 -Wall -Wconversion -Wtype-limits -g -Werror escape_pokemon.c src/*.c -o  escape_pokemon and runed using ./escape_pokemon ejemplo/objetos.txt ejemplo/interacciones.txt. Run the test by using bash or make valgrind.

TDA1 List, queue and stack

A project whose objective was to help the student implement their firsts ADTs (abstract data types): list, queues and stacks. Furthermore, it had a testing framework that the student had to use, making tests and using them to, well, test their own code. The ADTs tests can be runed using the command gcc -g -std=c99 -Wall -Wconversion -Wtype-limits -pedantic -Werror -O2 src/*.c pruebas.c -o pruebas 2>&1 followed by ./pruebas 2>&1. You can also use the makefile to run a default usage of the program (make valgrind-ejemplo) or the tests (make valgrind-pruebas)

TDA2 Binary Search Tree

In this proyect, the student had to develop and implement a BST. The goal of this assignment was to make the student used to this data structre as well as making they familiarize with recursivity. An interactive version of the tree can be compiled with gcc -g -std=c99 -Wall -Wconversion -Wtype-limits -pedantic -Werror -O0 src/abb.c src/nodo.c mostrar_abb.c interactivo.c -o interactivo 2>&1 and runned using valgrind--leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --show-reachable=yes --error-exitcode=2 -s ./interactivo or just by using the makefile make valgrind-interactivo. You can also use the makefile to run a default usage of the program (make valgrind-ejemplo) or the tests (make valgrind-pruebas)

(Every projects listed above can be runed without that excesive amout of flags as they dont have important bugs or memory leaks)

TDA3 Hash

A hash implementation made from scratch. Run it using make valgrind-ejemplo or see the test using make valgrind-pruebas.

TP2 Escape Pokemon

A pokemon themed scape room. Made with the ADTs created in the previous projects. you can play it using the command make valgrind-escape_pokemon. And the test can be runed using make valgrind-pruebas.

Feel free to ask whatever you want