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Predict cyclone intensity and if possible explain feature importance.
- Yaqi Qin yaqqin@student.ethz.ch
- Feichi Lu feiclu@student.ethz.ch
- Tianyang Xu tianyxu@student.ethz.ch
- RawData class
- load the raw data from the "predictors" folder, and merge them into a dict (add three columns representing X, Y, Z coordinates)
- calculate mean / std of each numeric features (before calculating, first clip the values, because there are some inf values)
- extract_time_series function
- current setting: 12 hours as one subtrack, first 6 hours to extract features, last 6 hours to extract labels
- users can specify "tropical" and "hemisphere" to extract:
- "tropical": "tropical" : -20 < lat < 20 vs "extra": lat < -20 or lat > 20
- "hemi" : "N" : lat > 0 vs "S": lat < 0
- calculate the moving average in loaddata.py extract_time_series function
- Transformer class:
- for 7 reanalysis features ['U300', 'V300', 'U500', 'V500', 'T850', 'MSL', 'PV320']: clip
- for meta features ['pmin', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'month']: replace "month" column with 11-digit one hot encoding ==>finally we have 15 meta features ['pmin', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'month-one-hot_1' ~ 'month-one-hot_11']
- train test split: split the preprocessed data based on the assigned ratio