
kubeadm with core components instrumented to export OpenTelemetry traces (etcd, kube-apiserver, crio)

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Collect OpenTelemetry (OTLP) From K8s Core


  • Configure machine to run a kubeadm cluster with CRI-O
  • Kubeadm cluster with apiserver, kubelet, CRI-O, & etcd OpenTelemetry trace exports
  • OpenTelemetry-Collector to collect trace data from apiserver, etcd, kubelet & CRI-O
  • Jaeger all-in-one to visualize trace data

Machine Details

Fedora 36

Configure Machine

Install & configure CRI-O

Configure for kubeadm

Launch Kubeadm Cluster and specify CRI-O as the runtime

APIServer, Etcd, and CRI-O will export OTLP Traces

kubeadm-init needs to run as admin user

TODO: configure kubeadm non-root

sudo kubeadm init --cri-socket=unix:///var/run/crio/crio.sock

Upon successful launch, copy the admin config to $HOME

mkdir $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Make control-plane node schedulable

kubectl taint nodes --all node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane-

Create tracing configuration file for kube-apiserver

Trace configuration file will be volume mounted in APIserver pod

mkdir /tmp/trace
cat <<EOF > /tmp/trace/trace.yaml
apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: TracingConfiguration
# 99% sampling rate
samplingRatePerMillion: 999999

Launch build-container with embedded artifacts from this repository

Copy the manifests directory from this repository to local /tmp directory

podman run --rm -d --name kubeadm-files quay.io/sallyom/otel-ex:kubeadm sleep 1000
podman cp kubeadm-files:/manifests /tmp

Replace control-plane manifests with those from build container

sudo su
cp /tmp/manifests/etcd.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/.
cp /tmp/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/.
cp /tmp/manifests/kubelet-config.yaml /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml
systemctl restart kubelet
podman stop kubeadm-files

Wait for control-plane pods to return

Use these commands to monitor cluster health

sudo systemctl status kubelet # should be running
sudo crictl ps -a # should see etcd, kube-apiserver pods deletion, creation
oc get pods -A # no pending pods

Deploy OpenTelemetry Collector & Jaeger

kubectl apply --kustomize /tmp/manifests/otel-collector
  • Configure otel-agent-conf configmap exporter data
    1. View ClusterIP from kubectl get -n otel service otel-collector note the ClusterIP
    2. kubectl edit cm/otel-agent-conf -n otel modify exporter otlp endpoint to match ClusterIP noted above
    3. kubectl delete pod/otel-agent-podname to refresh with updated configmap

Deploy Jaeger All-in-One


Jaeger operator requires cert-manager is running.

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.9.1/cert-manager.yaml

Apply all components in Jaeger All-in-One according to Jaeger documentation.

Note: Jaeger operator is also available through Operator Hub

kubectl create namespace observability
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/releases/download/v1.38.0/jaeger-operator.yaml -n observability

Edit Jaeger operator deployment to watch all namespaces

kubectl edit deployment -n observability

Update this section

        - args:
          - start
          - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
            value: ""

Create Jaeger Instance

When Jaeger custom resource is created, Jaeger operator triggers resource creation in the same namespace as the Jaeger CR.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sallyom/otel-kubeadm/main/jaeger.yaml -n otel
# wait for oteljaeger pod to be running, then forward 16686 of pod to localhost:16686 in VM
kubectl port-forward <oteljaeger-pod> -n otel 16686:16686

If running in a VM on your local machine, forward port 16686 to local system like so

ssh -L 16686:localhost:16686 username@vm-ip

If running kubeadm in a gcp cluster, forward port 16686 to local system localhost like so

gcloud compute ssh <machine-name> --zone=<zone> -- -L 9876:

Jaeger UI is @localhost:16686 or @localhost:9876 in above gcloud example

Trace data from APIServer, etcd, and CRI-O should be visible!

Deploy Kubeadm UI (optional)

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.3.1/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml
kubectl proxy

If in gcp, forward :8001 to localhost of local system, otherwise, Kube UI @localhost:8001

gcloud compute ssh <machine-name> --zone=<zone> -- -L 9888:


Try this k8s-hello-mutating-webhook example application! Use the test-deployment in that example to scale up and down pods, to generate activity with etcd, CRI-O, and APIServer.


APIServer, Etcd traces APIServer & Etcd Traces

APIServer, Etcd spans APIServer, Etcd Spans

Kubelet, CRI-O traces Kubelet, CRI-O Traces