
Re-creating favorite technologies from scratch; currently: writing a Docker-esque runtime in Golang.

Primary LanguageGo

Challenge X - Write Your Own X

Late to the party (weekend build) but we roll. Implementing codingchallenges.fyi in Go.

Note: Doing this in addition to the day work to practice Go pretty much. Okay, maybe not. UNIX design principles are top-notch, so can learn a thing or two.

Read: The Art of Unix Programming

1. Building My Own Unix's wc

  • Implemented a version of Unix's wc command in Go.
  • Optimized for performance and error handling.

2. JSON Parser with Array Support

  • Added functionality to a JSON parser to fully support JSON arrays.
  • Handled array elements and nested arrays.

3. Huffman Coding Compression Tool

  • Developed a CLI tool for lossless data compression using Priority Queue (Min Heap) and Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithms.
  • Implemented compression and decompression functions.

4. CLI Cut Tool

  • Implemented efficient field extraction using Go's string manipulation capabilities.
  • Utilized flag package to parse command-line arguments and provide flexible field selection options.

5. Load Balancer

  • Load balancer distributes requests using a round-robin algorithm to evenly distribute load among active servers.
  • Health check mechanism periodically checks the health status of backend servers and removes unhealthy servers from the pool to prevent service disruptions.