
One line of code to add pull to refresh view to header or footer of any UIScrollView subclass i.e. Collection/TableView.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


One line of code to add pull to refresh view to header or footer of any UIScrollView subclass i.e. Collection/TableView.

Swift 5 Version License Platform Country


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Demo directory first.


Pull to refresh is an essestial feature for almost every mobile app but unfortunately it is not that easy. Also it have some limitations and its own set of bugs which comes with it. Code duplication is one of the main reason which motivated me to work on this library.

Inspired by the DSL pattern and how easy it is to use i.e. how SnapKit does it, this library also uses the same pattern. The magic key word is ptr to access all your PullToRefresh properties/methods.


Step 1: Enable PullToRefresh 🚀

// You only have to add the callback, rest is taken care of
tableView.ptr.headerCallback = { [weak self] in // weakify self to avoid strong reference
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(2)) { // your network call
        self?.tableView.ptr.isLoadingHeader = false // setting false will hide the view

Step 2: Disable PullToRefresh 🤯

// Yeah thats all, just set it to nil
tableView.ptr.headerCallback = nil // it is disabled by default

Step 3: Enjoy!, thats all, you're done 😎

Enjoy PullToRefresh provide your user with great user experience Simple, isnt it?

Other Settings: Customizeability 🤔

You can use your own view/activity indicator, just dont forget to add height

tableView.ptr.headerHeight = 50 // Set its height
tableView.ptr.headerView = yourCustomView() // Set your customView

You can also add PullToRefresh to bottom of your scrollView/tableView/collectionView

tableView.ptr.footerCallback = { } // add callback to enable
tableView.ptr.footerCallback = nil // set to nil to disable

Your scrollView will elegantly animate to hide/show your PullToRefresh view

tableView.ptr.animationDuration = 0.3 // yes you can set it as well

You can also show/hide views whenever you want by using following properties

// Show Header
tableView.ptr.isLoadingHeader = true

// Hide Header
tableView.ptr.isLoadingHeader = false

// Show Footer
tableView.ptr.isLoadingFooter = true

// Hide Footer
tableView.ptr.isLoadingFooter = false

// NOTE: callbacks will only be fired when using property to show PullToRefresh view


PullToRefreshDSL is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'PullToRefreshDSL'


Salmaan Ahmed, salmaan.ahmed@hotmail.com


PullToRefreshDSL is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.