Create a pipeline which sends "Hello World" as POST body to
Trigger pipeline manually.
flowchart LR;
subgraph ADF
w[Web Activity]
w -- POST -->
As soon as a file is dropped in a folder, send file name to
flowchart LR
subgraph ADF
t[1. Trigger]
pl[2. Pipeline]
pl --references--> t
t --> sa
pl --POST-->
- Create trigger
- Create pipeline
- Connect pipeline to trigger
To receive file name from trigger
- Add parameter to pipeline - use any name e.g. fn
- Trigger > Edit > Click on 0 Parameters
- Set fn value: @triggerBody().fileName
For folder path, use: @triggerBody().folderPath
To use pipeline parameters in an activity:
For example, to use in Web activity, POST body:
- Click on hyperlink under Body textbox: "Add dynamic content"
- Choose any parameter that you want to use. ADF will auto add: @pipeline().parameters.filename
- Test via
- ADF Pipeline Parameters vs Variables:
- Parameters: Fixed constants, set once. Usage: pipeline().parameters.{ParamName}
- (so far) Parameters are set by external things e.g. triggers -- just like function parameters are send by its external callers (pipeline is like a function)
- Variables: can be changed. Usage: variables('{VarName}')
- Parameters: Fixed constants, set once. Usage: pipeline().parameters.{ParamName}
- ADF functions e.g. concat two strings:
If file name starts with A, then send "Apple" to
If file name starts with B, then send "Banana" to
- Create a pipeline
- Create a parameter (filename) for your pipeline
- Connect pipeline to a trigger (which is connected to storage account)
- make sure than filename parameter value is set by trigger. @triggerBody().fileName
- Optional: Create a new pipeline variable (varFileName)
- Use activity: Set Variable, to assign fileName parameter to varFileName
- Add activity: If Condition, and connect it after Set variable
- In activity expression: use function helper links to write this expression
@startswith(variables('varfileName'), 'A')
- Note that this check is case insensitive
- In true, add activity: Web, which makes calls with POST body of: Apple
- In true, add activity: Web, which makes calls with POST body of: Banana
- Publish. Upload files and observe for values.
Create a pipeline, which sends data to based on uploaded filename.
Using file name (excluding extension), send a Web request with each part of the filename.
e.g. if file name is abc.txt, send 2 POST requests with body containing abc and txt
if file name is, send 3 POST requests with body containing xyz, abc and txt
ForEach Activity takes in an array.
Create a variable of type array e.g. parts
Assign that variable value based on split of file name by period.
ForEach will iterate over the parts variables.
Inside ForEach, use a Web activity which uses @item -- which represent current item in loop.