Exercise #1: Hello World

Create a pipeline which sends "Hello World" as POST body to webhook.site.

Trigger pipeline manually.

flowchart LR;

subgraph ADF
	w[Web Activity]
w -- POST --> webhook.site

Exercise #2: File Watcher

As soon as a file is dropped in a folder, send file name to webhook.site

flowchart LR


subgraph ADF
	t[1. Trigger]
	pl[2. Pipeline]
	pl --references--> t
t --> sa
pl --POST--> webhook.site



  1. Create trigger
  2. Create pipeline
  3. Connect pipeline to trigger

To receive file name from trigger

  1. Add parameter to pipeline - use any name e.g. fn
  2. Trigger > Edit > Click on 0 Parameters
  3. Set fn value: @triggerBody().fileName

For folder path, use: @triggerBody().folderPath

To use pipeline parameters in an activity:

For example, to use in Web activity, POST body:

  1. Click on hyperlink under Body textbox: "Add dynamic content"
  2. Choose any parameter that you want to use. ADF will auto add: @pipeline().parameters.filename
  3. Test via webhook.site


Exercise #3: ADF If-then

If file name starts with A, then send "Apple" to Webhook.site

If file name starts with B, then send "Banana" to Webhook.site


  1. Create a pipeline
  2. Create a parameter (filename) for your pipeline
  3. Connect pipeline to a trigger (which is connected to storage account)
    1. make sure than filename parameter value is set by trigger. @triggerBody().fileName
  4. Optional: Create a new pipeline variable (varFileName)
    1. Use activity: Set Variable, to assign fileName parameter to varFileName
  5. Add activity: If Condition, and connect it after Set variable
  6. In activity expression: use function helper links to write this expression @startswith(variables('varfileName'), 'A')
    1. Note that this check is case insensitive
  7. In true, add activity: Web, which makes webhook.site calls with POST body of: Apple
  8. In true, add activity: Web, which makes webhook.site calls with POST body of: Banana
  9. Publish. Upload files and observe webhook.site for values.

Exercise #4: Loops

Create a pipeline, which sends data to webhook.site based on uploaded filename.

Using file name (excluding extension), send a Web request with each part of the filename.

e.g. if file name is abc.txt, send 2 POST requests with body containing abc and txt

if file name is xyz.abc.txt, send 3 POST requests with body containing xyz, abc and txt


ForEach Activity takes in an array.

  1. Create a variable of type array e.g. parts

  2. Assign that variable value based on split of file name by period.


  3. ForEach will iterate over the parts variables.

  4. Inside ForEach, use a Web activity which uses @item -- which represent current item in loop.
