Module 1

  • Data Structures
    • Describe structures with hashes and arrays
    • Use each to run code for every element in an array
    • Create functions
    • Use a methodology to solve problems
  • Object Orientation
    • Create a class and instance
    • Create instance methods
    • Create instance variables
    • Use the initialize method to set inital values for instance variables
  • Object Properties
    • Explain self
    • Create getters and setters
    • Use access macros
  • Inheritance

  • Classes
    • Create class variables
    • Create class methods
    • Explain when to use class methods
  • One to Many Relationships
    • Use an instance variable to reference a related object
    • Explain the value of a single source of truth
    • Use an instance method to reference multiple related objects
    • Use select to reference related objects
  • Many to Many Relationships
    • Use require_relative to split code into seperate files
    • Identify use cases for one to many and many to many relationships
    • Define Join Class
    • Reference related objects through a join class
    • Use map to reference related objects through a join class
  • SQL
    • Explain the purpose and structure of a relational database
    • Use CRUD Operations to manipulate data
    • Use aggregate functions to analyze data
    • Use Row IDs as Foreign Keys
    • Use JOIN
  • Active Record
    • Create a migration
    • Run a migration
    • Create a record
    • Read a record
    • Update a record
    • Delete a record
  • Active Record Relationships
    • Use a migration to create foreign keys
    • Use a belongs_to macro to create an ActiveRecord relationship
    • Use a has_many macro to create an ActiveRecord relationship
    • Use the through option to create a many to many relationship
  • CLI Applications
    • Focus on the methodology of using tools to build an app
  • Git
    • TODO
  • Intro to the Internet
    • Explain the role of a Server and Client in the context of the internet
    • Identify the components of an HTTP Request/Response
      • URL
        • Protocol
        • Domain
        • Path
        • Port
      • Method
      • Headers
      • Body
      • Status Code

Module 2

  • Sinatra & MVC

    • Define the following tools
      • Rack
      • Shotgun
      • Sinatra
      • Rails
    • Explain the responsibilities of the following application components:
      • Model
      • View
      • Controller
  • HTML & CSS

    • Identify the common components of HTML elements
    • Identify Common HTML and CSS Elements
    • Use EJS to interpolate Ruby variables into HTML pages
  • Forms

    • Identify HTML elements and attributes common to forms
    • Describe how to send data from the browser to the server with a Form
    • Build a form which creates a nested hash through input name
  • Web Applications

    • Focus on the methodology of using tools to build an app
  • Web Associations

    • Use foreign keys to create references between Table Rows
    • Use user input to define foreign keys
    • Use other types of inputs to improve the user's experience when creating associations
  • Rails

    • Create a Rails app
    • Create & Run Migrations with Rails
    • Create Controllers and route requests to those controllers using rails
    • Use the methods of strong params to filter user input
  • Route Helpers

    • Use resources to automate the routing process
    • Use link_to to automate a tags
  • Form Helpers

    • Use rails helpers to create a form
    • Use form_with to create a form for a resource
    • Use collection_select and collection_check_boxes to create inputs for associations
  • Sessions & Cookies

    • Define statelessness in the context of programming
    • Explain what it means for HTTP to be stateless
    • Explain the roles that sessions and cookies play in solving the challenges posed by statelessness
  • Rails Validations

    • Explain the advantage of fat models and skinny controllers
    • Use ActiveRecord validation helpers to validate data
    • Check for resource validity in the controller
    • Display error messages in the view
  • Authentication

    • Define Authentication, Authorization, Hashing, Encryption, and BCrypt
    • Add a secured password to a user model using bcrypt and password_digest
    • Implement a sign in form
    • Implement authorization to protect a route in an application

Module 3

  • The DOM
    • Mutate the DOM and its styles using JavaScript
    • Create new DOM nodes and append them
    • Use different querySelectors to select single or multiple elements
  • JavaScripts
    • Identify common syntax differences between Ruby and JavaScript
      • String interpolation
      • No symbols
      • Everything is more explicit
        • parenthesis, curly braces, etc.
    • Explain the difference beween referencing and invoking a function
    • Explain how JavaScript will find the value of a variable based on scope
    • Define variable hoisting
  • Events

    • Use addEventListener to invoke a callback function after an event
    • Explain the difference between bubbling and capturing events
    • Use event.preventDefault to override a form submission
    • Explain why to use an event listener on DOMContentLoaded
  • Asynchronous Programming

    • Describe asynchronous programming
    • Explain how callback functions are used to manage asynchronous programming
    • Explain how promises are used to manage asynchronous programming
  • Communicating with the Server

    • Describe the uses of a backend in the context of web applications
    • Use fetch to retrieve data from a server and display the results in the DOM
    • Exaplain what it means for fetch to run Asynchronously
    • Use fetch to send data to a server
  • Rails API

    • Render JSON data from a Rails controller
    • Using json: to render ActiveRecord instances
    • Explain CORS and how to implement it in a Rails App
    • Render JSON data that includes associated entities
  • What the Heck is this?

    • Determine the value of this based on how a function is defined and invoked
    • Change the value of this within a function using the arrow-function syntax
  • Classes

    • Implement a class with the class and constructor keywords, and instantiate it with the new keyword
    • Explain when and why to use class methods
    • Implement a class which inherits from another using the extends keyword
  • JavaScript Applications

    • Focus on the methodology of using tools to build an app
  • Higher Order Functions

    • Use callbacks with common iterators like map and filter
    • Use currying to dynamically create basic functions like selectors
    • Describe functional, object oriented, and procedural paradigms
  • JavaScript Tooling

    • Define NPM, Babel, and JSX as tools for developing with JavaScript
    • Use WebPack's Import Syntax to distribute code in multiple files
    • Use public class fields to define instance properties without a constructor
    • Use create-react-app to setup Babel, WebPack, and JSX for you

Module 4

  • Components

    • Identify the Visual Components of a UI
    • Explain the difference between defining and rendering a component
    • Use props to configure a child component
    • Use the spread operator to pass props to a child component
  • State & Events

    • Listening for events by passing event handlers as props
    • Define and change state within a component using setState
    • Identify controlled and uncontrolled components
  • Inverse Dataflow

    • Changing state in a parent component
    • Declaratively updating state
  • Asynchronous React

    • Recognize common React Lifecycle methods and when they will be invoked
    • Use componentDidMount to run make a fetch after the first render
    • Use fetch to save data back to the server after an event
  • React Hooks

    • use useState to create stateful functional components
    • use useEffect as if it were componentDidMount
    • Create a custom hook which relies on built in hooks
  • React Applications

    • Strategically place state
    • Plan the structure/mutations of state
    • Plan inverse dataflow
  • React Router

  • API Authentication

    • Identify the unique challenges of authentication with an API
    • Explain the role of a "token" in authentication
    • Describe the components and usage of a JWT token
    • Save authentication tokens in the browser using localStorage
    • Add secure passwords to a user model
    • Save authentication tokens in the browser using localStorage
    • Send authentication tokens to the server using an Authorization header with fetch
    • Use a before_action hook to check for authentication
  • Redux

    • Explain the two problems Redux attempts to solve
    • Create a store to manage your app's state
    • Change state by dispatching actions to your store
    • Explain why we must declaratively update state
  • React + Redux

    • Use the Provider to connect a Redux store to your React App
    • Use useSelector to retrieve data from state
    • Use useDispatch to dispatch actions to the reducer


  • Intro to Node.js

    • Describe the components of the MEAN / MERN stack
    • Create Controllers in JavaScript with express
    • Discuss the differences in the values of Ruby and JavaScript
  • Node.js & the Database

    • Use knex to define table schemas
    • Use knex to interact with a database in a Node.js application
  • Realtime Applications with Node.js

    • Explain the purpose of WebSockets
    • Emit Data From the Server
    • Listen for Data on the Client

Node Labs