
The Silo Programming Language

Primary LanguageJava

The Silo Programming Language.

Developed by Salman Ahmad salman@salmanahmad.com.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for more details.

To build: mvn package -DskipTests.

To run: target/lib/silo-<version>/bin/silo.

All build artifacts will appear in target/lib/silo-<version>/.

When copying Silo to another location for installation (for example, ~/bin or /usr/local/bin) you must copy the entire target/lib/silo-<version> directory. A nice strategy is moving the entire directory to the location of your choice and then creating a symlink to make the silo command line tool accessible. For example, copy the build directory so that it reside at ~/bin/silo-<version> and then symlink ~/bin/silo -> ~/bin/silo-<version>/bin/silo.

As a convenience the target/lib/silo-<version> directory is bundled together as zip and tgz archives so Silo can be easily copied onto another machine.