
RESTful API(s) for asynchronous file upload related operations

Primary LanguagePython


Async-op is a set of RESTful API(s) for asynchronous file upload related operations. It implements start, stop, pause and terminate file upload functionalities. It has been containerized using Docker for easy portability.

Technology Stack Used

  • DjangoREST framework (APIs)
  • Redis (Message broker)
  • Celery (Task scheduler)
  • PostgreSQL (Database)
  • Docker and Docker-Compose (Containerizing the application)


  1. File upload http://localhost:8000/api/upload-file/ Handles POST data containing the uploaded file

  2. Task revoke http://localhost:8000/api/revoke/{task_id}/ Revoked the task specified by task_id

  3. Task pause http://localhost:8000/api/pause/{task_id}/ Pauses the task specified by task_id Task gets revoked if not resumed within 5 mins

  4. Task resume http://localhost:8000/api/resume/{task_id}/ Resumes the paused task specified by task_id

  5. CSV Export http://localhost:8000/api/export/?from_date={}&to_date={}/ Exports the database instances (i.e. form responses in the collect app context) in the range of from_date and to_date into csv

  6. Documentation http://localhost:8000/docs/ Auto generated API documentation

Running Locally (Development)

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/salmanahmed404/async-op.git
  2. Create and activate virtual environment

    virtualenv --python=python3 venv #or any name
    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Navigate to project code

    cd project
  4. Install packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Database setup

    • Ensure you have postgres installed otherwise install using package manager
      sudo apt-get install postgresql
    • Create database under the default postgres user
      sudo su postgres
      CREATE DATABASE atlan_collect;
  6. Run the migrations

    python manage.py migrate
  7. Prepare test data (optional)

    mkdir data
    python generate_dummy_data.py

    The script accepts command line arguments specifying the number of records in the resulting csv file. If not provided it defaults to 20000

  8. Make directory (for storing the exported csv files)

    mkdir exports
  9. Run the development server

    python manage.py runserver

Building and running the docker container

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone [repository_url]
  2. Build and run

    docker-compose up --build